
Monday, November 21, 2011

Football? Soccer? Aah sama jak!

Yeehuu..! Rasanya x payah mention pun semua dah tau, Malaysia won gold medal utk bola sepak SEA Games.. riuh satu negara! haha.. me as Malaysian bangga sgt dgn pencapaian team Msia kalahkan Indonesia.. tapi.....haa tapi apa plak ni?

d FB byk btul baca updates yg x berapa senang tengok.. nak bg contoh takut kontrovesi plak.. yg sy tau, semuanya memburuk2kan pihak lawan. itupun Msia menang dah.. cuba kalo Msia kalah td, mesti lg buruk ayat yg keluar.. uhuhu~ malu pun ada dgn segelintir masyarakat Msia... in my opinion la kan, biar apapun penyokong pihak lawan buat dgn bendera kita, kita jgn ikut2 buat bgitu. kan merendahkan standard sendiri tu.. xhairan la kalo 2 negara ni hampir berperang sebelum ni... bertaubat la pliss malaysians.. dorg semua pun friends la.. but hopefully dgn adanya Maharaja Lawak Mega bleh satu kan dis 2 countries.. :)

MLM plak lg? haa ni satu fenomena baru dlm industri lawak kita. best wooo rugi x tgk.. bagi peminat comedy mcm sy ni, kalo miss mmg susah hati.. hahahaha uniknya, program ni d sertai contestant dr negara2 seberang jgk. so best lah.. thumbs up 2 all stand-up comedians! dr bola pegi MLM, kluar tajuk bet0l la this post.. apa2 la, janji hepi.. :P till then~ Blessings~

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Unduk Ngadau

Miss KM ka kalo x silap ni..lupa d mana sy ambil.
siou owner! ^^

Yaahhh...benda pa unduk ngadau ni..? sejenis kuih ka? bukan..hehe.. kalo mau terangkan secara details mmg agak panjang dan ini bukan subjek yg sy mau ketengahkan hari ni.. but ringkasnya n senang faham, Unduk Ngadau (I'll b mentioning this as UN afterwards) ni ialah satu pertandingan Ratu Cantik kat Sabah bila tiba Perayaan Musim Menuai @ Kaamatan (mcm pix kat atas). yg sy tau, pertandingan ni utk memperingati Huminodun. "urm, saper lak dia ni??" itu sy serahkan pada Mr.Google utk menjawab. Search for it..nanti akan ada byk site yg menceritakan lagenda Huminodun ni.. like d one I found in (visit his blog! ^^,) but like I mentioned before, this is not d subject that I wanna touch today. hehee.. jadi what lah??

Sejauh mana people actually terima this event, especially lelaki yg gf dorg nak join skali bertanding.. sy xpernah tfikir plak yg ini bleh jadi topik but a friend's status posted last Tuesday made me think of this. Bila tiba bulan 5, mesti salah 1 benda yg org tunggu2 ialah UN.. "Siapa ratu ni tahun ah?" adalah soalan yg sering d tanya.. nah, persoalannya bila time gf dia sendiri mau ikut dia xbagi keizinan pula. kenapa ah? I asked this question in FB yesterday. I didn't expect to have that much answers. so, what I get are these..

Question: napa kamurang suka tingu unduk ngadau tp kalo gf kamu yg ikut kamu nda maw? haa jawab2...

The answers (just copy-pasted from my FB but names aren't mention here) :
1) sy x suka tgok pun..

2) sy x kisah kalau sy,tpi kalau yg x mau glfn dia ikut tu,my be x sng kot sumandak dia kena tingu byk org,sy pn ada rasa cm tu jg,tpi...ambil yg positif ja la...ngam ka kalau cm tu...heheeheheee.....

3) takut ada laki lain mau mengurat tu gf.. haha --> (jwpn kpd komen seseorg) pkai pkaian traditional pun sma jg tu dave. kalau ada lelaki yg tpikat, ada jg tu yg mau msuk meminang. haha.. lbih baik jgn masuk. klau pmpuan single xpa klau msuk unduk ngadau. xda msalah.. sbb, laki lain bkn tau tu contestant atas stage sdah ada bf or xda. klau ada lg org2 kaya yg gatal, naaa... hbis la. siap2 la sedia tu bazooka. haha

4) xsuka gf di depan pentas tyng body mcm xpndai malu lagi... blh lah klu pkaian tradisional ja... law pkai sxy2 mcm mlm gala... lupakan ja lah... lg pun law misalnya ada lelaki yg kaya terpikat dgn gf kt... trus dtng rumah mnarang sda tntu fmly pmpuan trima... jd lbh bek elakkn drpa ikut... --> (komen pd komen org lain hehe) btl2... pmpuan yg ikut unduk ngdau mmg mau kc promosi diri... itulah sepa2 yg sda ada gf jgn benarkan drng ikut... nti len pla jdnya...

5) join benda tu sma spt promote diri ppuan tu... klo sy sy mo gf sy jgn ikt bnda2 mcm tu coz org lain puas da tgk dia from head to toe... then nnt klo mo kawin msti ltak harga mahal coz bkas miss knon... e/t peringkat kg ja.. hahah btw sy pun x suka tgk.... tgk miss world ja.... hahah

6) unduk ngadau suda kena reserve utk yg single. kalau sda berpunya tu, mcm mau ctau lelaki lain yg dia masi available. siapa gia mau tguk gif dia kena kacau. byk togondui...dan adakah kaum ibu yg ikut unduk ngadau? tedakan.. nah, suda membuktikan pendapat cya btul. huahahah

7) tia taw durank... aq nda eh! hahahahaha (haha..ok i don't get it.. :p)

hahaha..mcm2 kan? so, as u can see semua pun like saying no to this event kalo it involves gf dorg. (skali tingu jg kali tu..ngee~ jgn marah!!) ntah knapa tp semua ni telah memaksa sy buat kesimpulan bhwa hanya lelaki single yg pegi tgk UN utk "mencari"..yg dah berpunya xtgk sbb dorg setia dgn gf dorg.. *dlm hati: setia la sgt!! :p* ewww...tulung~ hahahahah~ bukan sy anti lelaki yg mcm tu tau tp tah.. hard to believe oh ni. adoii...

Apa2 pun, sy tabik guys yg izinkan gf dorg ikut UN. why am I saying this is because kalo u brani bg gf u masuk competition yg akan expose dia pada org lain, means u don't doubt her love n u're confident that her heart belongs to u n dia xkan berpaling pd org lain lg.. for me, it's like saying that beautiful girl on stage is mine, no one can take her from me. If this happens to me, sy akan jd sgt hepi (sy menjawab sejujur2nya sbg seorg perempuan ni) cuz sy tau that my partner xmeragui sy (iaitu xtuduh sy suka2 hati terima org lain lepas ikut UN tu). when on stage pun sy bleh dgn bangga bgaya tanpa niat. maksudnya hanya bgaya utk pertandingan n bkn mo minta tgk (or minta urat maybe?) dgn audience yg sdg tgk. well, ini pendapat sy kalo ada yg mau ambil sbg pengajaran, silakan.. hahaha~ percayalah, ada guna jg tu ckit2.. ^_^

Bah sampai cni dulu sy punya post utk UN ni..jgn ada yg marah k guys.. *wink2!* Ciao.. Blessings~!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Nail Art? Ah..luv it!

It's d first day of study week and I haven't revise anything yet!! OMG.. that's scary... grr.. so what have I been doing d whole day? yeah..I think d title of this post has given u clue of that right? buat kuku.. adoi..aku ni, bengong agaknyer..xtak0t ke? takut mmg takut..but, what can I do.. study pun xda mood. d surrounding doesn't support.. boredom made me do things I pa lagi..haha..and this time I'm quite satisfied with d result. that's y tunjuk..kalo x, mmg xnmpk la kat blog ni agaknya... ngahahah..

urmm.. ni je..ok x ok xtau lah.. yg penting hepi..LOL

Sorry about d x ok.. *bercita2 utk beli a nicer camera* so that's how it look.. simple but enough to attract some eyes.. *imagining some eyes flying towards me..yikes!* I don't know if you notice but d background of d above pix is my Physics notes..d one I'm trying to revise since morning (tgh hari to b exact..LOL).. I'm going crazy with nail arts! meoowww~ hahaha.. mmg sot..but itu lah gue.. yg xbest tu bila x kena masa.. akan bawa kuku ni g exam nti (yelah, xkan nak tgl kot..aih Bet!) hehehe..

For now..suma ni akan d pause..nti bila byk masa, I wanna b able to do more complicated designs.. wait n see yeah? (^^,)v

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Short Poem for 'The One'

Last Wednesday, as I was sitting in my Physics ZCA101 lecture, I can't concentrate on d lesson given. Well, all I know was it's d last chapter for d subject on Fluid Mechanic.. cuz tiba2, teringat someone yg lama xnmpak..or even contact. my note book, I kept writing d same name again n again...n again.. until I came to write "dear dear where r u?" then I thought, I can write a poem (yg x ok punya cuz I never learn how to write one before) with this. So, I wrote n I wrote.. (not listening to d lecture anymore that time haha..) By the time d lecture finished, I finished my poem too.. :p This is how it looks like...

Dear dear where are you?
I'm here now missing you..
Come here honey now won't you?
Cause I'm left here alone feeling blue..

Dear dear come here darling,
Cause tonight the stars are shining,
Sky's clear and water's sparkling,
So sit with me and enjoy everything..

Dear dear can't you remember,
How you use to calm me in my anger?
But for it's crispy clear,
Cause you're so precious to me my dear..

Dear dear my dear _______,
Tell me how I can mend,
This thing between us that has broken,
I'm hoping to be with you till the end.


Haha.. I know it sounds ugly n looks weird.. (hey tebalik! haha..sengaja..) but atleast it came from deep inside my heart.. LOL pelik! people always say, "xpayah la igt2 ba Bet.." but I can't!! owh Lord..huhu.. I know this is wrong n I'm not suppose to do this.. even mummy also larang me thinking about it anymore but again I cannot n I don't know why.. as you can read in the last paragraph there, I'm still hoping.. hoping for pun xtau lah.. gila.. urmm about that empty space, yg tu fill up sendiri ek.. mna yg tau tu, tau lah..kalo x, bleh la isi ngan nama sapa2.. clues has been given dlm tiap ayat perenggan akhir tu.. mesti la nak rhyme kan.. xrhyme xbest lah dgr.. hehehe.. adoi2.. enough2~!! week start study week dah..rasanya, hostel pun akan mula sunyi cuz ramai students yg balik kg masing2.. bg yg balik, take care n sampai umah jgn lupa study.. yg tgl kat hostel je jum kita study sambil tgk muvie? eh, boleh ke mcm tu (style Upin Ipin)?? hehehe.. mcm mna pun cara kita study, yg penting study la k.. jgn esok exam bru nak buka buku yg setebal kamus dewan tu.. haha.. till then guys.. Ciao~!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Stories to Tell

A month past by and this blog isn't updated since.. huhu~ sibuk sgt ler tu agaknya.. wek! There's been so many things happened but I don't have time to open this n type them all..hehe.. but hey, jum crita2..

ok..first, after sy join MCB, sy join Persatuan Anak-anak Sarawak (Perkasa) punya team tarian plak buat per4mance masa dinner dorg. d makeup was awesome but my dance was terrible.. all d steps was quite simple but ermm lack of practice maybe? hurm..xsah kalo xda pix kan? haha so here they r...

just the dancers.. ^^,

See how pretty we r? ngee~ I don't have any pix of d whole group, so ni ja la k... allritey~ next, got to involve in dancing per4mance again..this time for Easter Celebration (The Second Chance) in 25th March.. I luv it cuz I gotta dance with all my favorite pretty girls.. and they are Cicie, Vera, Ling, Dura, Farah and Elo.. and again these r pix of us.. haha..

Yeah..that's it..d other pix u can view here --> Thanx Gene Harn for all d pictures!

hahaha~ "kalo update blog, teda crita lain kah?" some of u might say..but pa lg mo crita kan... tu yg paling fresh d ingatan.. hehe.. okay, so my next story is our CLC Omega Night.. baru jg yg minggu lepas on April Fool.. hahaha~ kebetulan plak kena that day.. Everything was ok..and this time different from last Omega Nite, the Catholic Undergraduate Society (CUS) was with us. I'm incharge of the deco part with Ribi but I don't really contributed much.. ckit2 jak
tolong2 here n there.. so here's part of the result of our deco..

It was all fine but d food's not enough for all of us.. upz, isn't that suppose to be a secret? huhu~ nOo...but I don't really care actually. As long as people enjoyed n blessed through that event, that's more than good enough for me.. I think that's it for now..xda sudah mo d crita..hehe.. my upcoming events will be Easter at EPCC on 24th April, got to perform a silent sketch and on 30th April, another Worthy is the Lamb dance and the silent sketch for d second time at Gawai Kaamatan at Seberang Prai. So, my study time and my practice time should be balanced for next week (it's study week for us here in USM. I'll be practicing sketch at week day nights n on weekend nights my dance group need me. whoa~! I don't know if I can make it, but I'll be strong cuz God's there with me.. (^^,)b

So till then guys.. take care n be blessed!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sekian Lama..!

Setelah begitu lama sy hilang, akhirnya timbul jg sy.. sy g mna? tenggelam? ow tidak.... haha.. I've been busy with a few things.. One of them is ofcourse MCB..yeah~ actually xlah busy sgt pun. Latihan is only about 2hours a day, monday - saturday ja.. tp, haih...ujung2 sem siapa x paham kan.. mmg assignments berlambak, test n quiz kena study.. aiyaa~ kena plak ngan org pemalas cam sy ni... dowh! sgt2 kena.. huhu.. ow yeah, pasal MCB..

geng2 yg mantap!

the trophy! 1st tyme sy join n it was WOW!! walaupun kami simple2 ja (sy rasa lah) tp we got 3rd place.. yippie~! oklah.. xkecewa n worth d effort la bagi sy after a month of practice. hehehe~ gambar2 d atas ni telah d curi d FB spt biasa sbb I don't any of my own.. so credits to d real owners la... ^^ happy dpt join, n I hope I can join this again next year..haha~ Ciao!